About the Executive Board
The Executive Board of the Hermosa View, Vista & Valley Parent Teacher Organization are parent volunteers who are voted into “office” by the members of HVPTO (all parents, guardians, teachers and staff of HBCSD schools). For 2024-2025, the Executive Board consists of the following officers: President, Co-President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Deposit Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President of Operations, Co-Vice Presidents of Communications, Co-Vice Presidents of Volunteer Recruitment & Events, and Vice President of Community Service.
The Executive Board shall: approve the formation of all standing and special committees, including the scope of the committees’ duties and budgets (who are we kidding, this is all done by exec board members); authorize officers to perform such duties as deemed necessary from time to time (in other words, other work they have to do); establish events and fundraising programs (in other words, they set all of our events in motion and talk other volunteers into running them); approve by a majority vote (2/3 need be present) expenditures from the Reserve Fund (spend funds raised on cool school stuff); and appoint members to fill vacant positions (there are no vacant positions – no one is allowed to quit mid-year!).
With that… Meet the 2024-2025 HVPTO Executive Board: